Students dance for Save the Children

School pupils from Bishop Auckland have taken part in a five hour fundraising dance.

The Ultimate Dance Challenge event at Bishop Barrington School raised £1,215.65 for Save the Children. Organised by dance and physical education teacher Caroline Ross, the event included pupils from Bishop Barrington School and local primary schools.

“It’s something slightly different. Normally when we work with the primary schools we go in and we teach them a dance, but this is more like a disco. We ask them to go in and enjoy themselves,” explained Caroline.

The event also gave primary school pupils an insight into the secondary school. Year 11 pupils at Bishop Barrington are put through a scheme to be a dance leader or a sport leader, which gives them experience of working and talking with younger children.

“We’ve got 29 kids today coming to Barrington and it’s turned out to be a really special event,” said Ian Bland from St Anne’s Primary School.

“The PE department is really outstanding. They’ve done a lot of good work over the last few years.”

“It’s fantastic. It gives the little ones a chance to experience the facilities at the comp’s,” said Steve Lockey from Woodhouse Close Primary School.