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Claire Nicholas Bishop FM Community Coffee Break speech only edit
Claire Nicholas Bishop FM Community Coffee Break speech only edit by 105.9 Bishop FM
Latest from Bishop FM
New Night Hub Transforms Lives and Strengthens Community.
Now settled into his new home in Shildon, Michael volunteers at the Safe Night Hub twice a week, eager to share his story of transformation with the community and local leaders, including Sue Snowdon, the Lord Lieutenant for County Durham.
Durham PCC Joy Allen Unveils Strategy to Safeguard Local Communities
Commissioner Allen emphasized, “Victims, residents, and businesses have been consulted at every stage of the plan’s development. The resulting draft focuses on the issues that local people frequently identify as increasing their fear of crime and negatively impacting their quality of life.
Weardale Community Sees New Opportunities with Proposed Lithium Extraction Plant
This project is expected to create hundreds of jobs over its lifetime, presenting a significant opportunity for the regeneration of the Eastgate site.
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Bishop FM in the Community

Heritage Festival
Interesting talks, walks and local history groups at the fifth annual heritage festival in Bishop Auckland.

Green Fair 2023
We’ve been hearing from guests and exhibitors at the Green Fair at Bishop Auckland Methodist Church and Bishop Auckland Baptist Church.

Bishops United
The radio play tells the story of Bishop Auckland offering support to Manchester United after the Munich Air Disaster.