Spennymoor Taekwondo ace backs sports awards

A student from Spennymoor, who is tipped as a ‘future star’ in the London 2012 programme, says it’s vital that unsung heroes of sport in County Durham are recognised.

Team GB Taekwondo ace Jamie Abley, a five time British Champion, is calling on people to nominate their heroes of sport and physical activity for the Sport and Physical Activity Awards for County Durham before the deadline on 31st August.

At London 2012 he was sparring partner to gold medal winner Jade Jones, and is already recognised as a 2016 games hopeful in Rio. Jamie trains at Durham County Council’s Spennymoor Leisure Centre.

The local round of the sports awards are organised by the council and recognise people who have encouraged, inspired, enabled and excelled in sport and physical activity in County Durham this year.

“I would say get your nominations in now – these people deserve to be recognised. The support I’ve had from my coach, Russell Shaw and Spennymoor Chi Taekwondo Club as well as my school, Spennymoor Comprehensive and my family, friends and the people of Spennymoor has been tremendous. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them and I can’t thank them enough,” explained Jamie, who is a former recipient of youth awards.

Cllr Maria Plews, Cabinet member with responsibility for leisure, said: “Jamie lending his support to these awards shows the importance of recognising those people who work tirelessly in the background. I can not think of a better role model or a more appropriate ambassador for the awards.”

Nominations are made through local areas, and winners from this stage will feed into the county event to compete for the county title in their category. Local awards events are taking place in September, with the county awards dinner taking place in October.

Nominations can be made at the County Durham Sport website.