It’s Up 2 U in Crook

A new project will give residents across County Durham the chance to say how their council tax is spent, thanks to a new way of budgeting.

The initiative will give residents the choice on which projects in their local area are given the go-ahead. The Three Towns area action partnership launched the new project with an allocation of £30,000.

Sandy Denney is coordinator for the 3 Towns AAP. She said: “This project gives local
communities in the 3 Towns area an opportunity to have a greater say on how public funds
are allocated and will encourage public involvement in decision making. I would encourage
any community group or not for profit organisation in the 3 Towns area with an idea for
something they would like to see happening where they live, or a great project that needs
funding, to apply now.”

The Participatory Budgeting process addresses the need for public budgeting within the
Three Towns area to be more community-driven, transparent and accountable, by allowing
the local community to be directly involved in the budgeting process.

The overall aim is to help local people have control over what happens in their area and
give them a say on which projects money is granted to.

The first step is to apply for funding. Grants are available for projects which meet the
priorities set out by the AAP.

Priorities include: activities for children and young people, healthy lifestyles and wellbeing,
local environment, community and civic pride and crime and community safety.

Local groups are invited to submit ideas for projects and compete for a share of the
£10,000 allocated to each area within the 3 towns partnership. Events will be held in
March which will allow members of the public to vote on projects using an electronic voting

Applications are available now from the following organisations, please contact your
closest one for more information.

Crook Community Partnership – Alison Hirst, 01388 765927
Tow Law Town Council – Geoff Smith, 01388 731444
Greater Willington Town Council – Helen Cogdon or Emma Mennouni, 01388 742005

For more information about the Three Towns AAP and its priorities, telephone: 01388
761989 or email

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